Microbiota and Women’s Health

In this book, the author proposes a paradigm shift in the management of urogenital infections, shifting the focus from a reactive and pharmacological approach in the acute stages to a preventive and functional one aimed at intervening in the underlying causes.

We start with an in-depth look at the gut microbiota, a complex ecosystem of microorganisms that regulates many metabolic and immune functions. Various life events can disrupt this ecosystem, causing an imbalance (dysbiosis), which represents an opportunity for pathogenic microorganisms, such as the bacterium Escherichia coli or the yeast Candida albicans, to escape immune control and migrate to other districts such as the uro-genital area causing infections.

Such urinary tract (UTI) and vaginal infections are found to be among the most common health issues among women from the earliest years of reproductive age, with prevalence doubling in women over age 65.

But what are the characteristics of a healthy gut and vaginal microbiota versus one that predisposes to infection? An attempt is made to answer this question by presenting the tests available to analyze the gut and vaginal microbiota and providing simple guidelines for their interpretation. Based on the results and the woman’s health goals, specific dietary strategies and natural supplementation protocols are described that are designed to improve the balance of the microbiota, strengthen the immune system, and thus reduce the risk of recurrence.

The book is intended as a practical, accessible and scientifically rigorous handbook that, with clear language, guides the female audience to understand the factors that can influence their intestinal and uro-gynecological health, promoting an integrated view that takes into account the complex balance of the microbiota and the overall well-being of the person.

Regularly makes presentations on microbiota and women’s health at scientific societies of urology and physical therapy. Founder of science popularization blog “The Dysbiosis Doctor” on web and social channels.

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