by | Aug 25, 2023 | Power supply | 0 comments

Mint is one of the most widely used herbs. Because of its cooling, antispasmodic, antiseptic, analgesic and antiviral qualities, it has been used for many years to counteract a variety of conditions such as gas, morning sickness, menstrual pain and intestinal colic, bloating and indigestion.

Among the various therapeutic applications of mint, this plant has also been found to have a beneficial relationship with the gut microbiota.

  • Antibacterial. Essential oils and dried extracts of mint have strong antibacterial properties useful in mitigating the harmful effects of H. pylori, E. coli and Salmonella.
  • Antispasmodic. Another way mint may be able to maintain healthy digestive function is by relaxing the digestive system and relieving spasms in the intestines that may be caused by gas, SIBO, inflammation, or intestinal permeability. This antispasmodic action can have an effect at both the bowel and bladder levels
  • Visceral pain modulator. The cooling qualities of menthol may be able to excite the pain-relieving channel called TRPM8 located in the intestines. Because this channel causes pain-sensitive fibers in the gut to become less sensitive, activation of their response can help relieve abdominal pain associated with gastrointestinal conditions such as IBS
  • Reduces E.coli infection. A recent study showed that polyphenol and flavonoid extracts from spearmint (Satureja calamintha) were able to reduce aggregation of enteropathogenic E.Coli (EPEC) a frequent cause of gastroenteritis. The same rationale for application could also apply to those with cystitis and recurrent urinary E.Coli infections

Do you want to find out how to best use mint and other phytotherapeutics to modulate your microbiota and reduce the risk of opportunistic infections? Chat with me or visit the blog